Friday, May 18, 2007

Not always

The twins turned 11. The TWINS TURNED 11.

Middle school is looming, hormones are fluctuating, feet are growing, times are changing. I know that soon these big two are not going to want to be back there in the back seat. And SOON, too soon they probably won't want to be in the car with me at all. It happens so fast. Really. I can clearly PERFECTLY clearly remember about 12 years ago, with big tears sliding down my cheeks, sobbing to Matt that I was so worried that we would never hear little feet running on our hardwood floors. I can't tell you how often I remind US about that. It really comes in handy to remember this when Cole runs through in his big 9 1/2 MENS muddy sneakers and when the click clack of one pair of Callie's multitude of flip flops resonates across the tile of the kitchen or better yet when she TAPtap TAPs on the marble slab of the fireplace in her tap shoes. Let's not forget the CLACK CLACK of a pair of plastic dress up heels on the wee one. I wish I could let my then 24 year old self HEAR the sounds that I hear now, I could tell ME that it would be okay. That one day our house would vibrate with the noise of 6 feet. I smile because I know it won't always be loud and believe it or not I know that quiet in the future will once again make me sad.

I think this is my new favorite picture.

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Vee said...

awww....robyn it will great
you are so sweet!!
i worry about the samething and my oldest is only 6.
time moves so fast!!
i love this pic too
have a great weekend.

Brown English Muffin said...

I love this picture!!!

Anonymous said... fave new picture too!! so cool!!
love your turtles lo too!!

Cricket said...

Happy Birthday to your babies!! They do grow up fast don't they??


Christal said...

WHat a fun great blog, love the kids in the rearview mirror! What a GREAT picture!