Sunday, July 23, 2006


Matt and I finally finished the rocks around the pond today. We'll probably always be fidgetting with it and adding a stone here or there. We need to add additional landscaping but that will probably have to wait till next year. Those rocks are not easy on the budget or back for that matter. We moved well over 3 tons of rock to complete it! WOW!!! Holy backache!

I wanted to show you a quick pic of the dogs, this is what I had to deal with while I was trying to get these pictures.
My two brown wacko's! Cute though aren't they?
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Jennifer Stewart said...

WOW, Robyn....that looks absolutely gorgeous! Good job, you and dh! :)


Vee said...

look awesome!
your dogs are beautiful!

justem said...

YAY for the boxer pics!!!!!! I wish you lived nearby so our boxers could get together and play!!

Corinna said...

WOW that looks fabulous!!! Boxera are one of my favorte god breeds.