Sunday, September 09, 2007


My sister, being the best sister I have, took my girls home to DE to spend the night. Cole had a b-day party to attend so he was fine with it. This morning, I reluctantly put down a book I HAD to get yesterday (more on that in a minute) and made the short drive (36 min. as opposed to the 6 hours to N.C. before~!) to get them out of her hair. While there we decided to check out a CUPCAKE bakery in Newark called Sweet n Sassy Cupcakes . YUMMMY and such a fun store! Brandy and I were both dying for this black and white brocade 2 tier was DELIGHTFUL!

Okay, about the hard to put down read. Some girls on , mainly this girl Kerry Lynn , were talking about a vampire book that was just SO romantic. And heck, I'm all about the romance, well not really but I like to read romance! LOL So the book is ABSOLUTELY freakin GREAT! REally, I can't put the dern thing down and it's not like I don't have anything else I should be doing. AND it's a trilogy, I LOVE that, the husband does not! :D It's a young adult book but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo good! It's called Twilight and it's by Stephanie Meyer. CHECK it out. So I mainly have the demise of my house to blame on Kerry Lynn so check out her awesome scrap-goodness here... and show her some love!
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Vee said...

twilight is on my to read list.
the cupcakes look so gooood!! ;)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..... glad i could enable!
gotcha!! isn't it the BEST??
love that book... just wait until you start on the other two. =D

Cricket said...

oh my gosh those cupcakes look sooo delish! Glad you are enjoying Twilight, it rocks..I'm reading New Moon now and Mandi just finished Eclipse...such a great series!!


Veronica said...

wait...I can only see sweet*ass cupcakes? Am I seeing things?

Anonymous said...

I'll check out that book.

When I saw the picture of the store front, from the vantage point you took it, it looks like it says "Sweet A$$" . I laughed, thinking, "How did they get away with that?" That's not the name of the store but let me know what you think, if you want. Great photo, made me laugh and I'll bet those cupcakes were sweet, they look divine!