Lazy Sunday mornings at our's a couch pile up!
Peyton still has a heart with wings painted on her face and of course, Macy has to get in on the coziness 'cause cozy is her middle name!
I ALMOST love Fall as much as spring. I WOULD if Winter wasn't next! Today my sister and I and the kids went to a Fall Fest. I asked permision for Cole to get his pic taken in this old pickup in a farmers field but the sun ended up too strong so I didn't get what I wanted but he still loved it!
There is not much better than festival food....pit beef, funnel cakes, and lemons with mint sticks YUMMMM!
So I guess I have to toot my own horn if only because my kids think this is super cool! I don't submit because there really isn't time in my day and I really hate to have to write those really long supply lists. Plus, I scrap for them -----> and for me! But when I saw this call I figured it be easy to submit too 'cause I mainly used Jenni Bowlin stuff. And here you was on my front porch yesterday. Apparently it will be available at Michaels and I believe my lss, Scrap-Masters is going to get it in too. It's a super cute book with tons of GREAT ideas, and it's happy, colorful and FUN!
LOOOOOOK at this cutie! Some of you may know that I've been taking some photo's as a little side thingy. I totally have fallen HARD for photography. I have SO much to learn but it's already been so FUN!. One of the FABULOUS ladies that I've become friends with from my SMU classes has a delightful trio of Malteses (how do you plural it like Hippos or Hippi, shrimp or shrimp). This weekend Laura and Brian were brave enough to dog sit Brian's sisters 2 Malts (LOL). AND I was crazy enough to try to snap some pics! Some turned out so doggone CUTE! Look at this face!
Early last week Peyton came home from school and told me that a little boy in her friend Annie's class called her name. When she glanced over, he said, "You are PRETTY!" like he was confirming it to himself. She was desperate to know if a. Was it okay for him to say she was pretty and b. Was she pretty? So I let her know that yes it was fine for him to say she was pretty and yes of course, I thought she was pretty. A couple days went by and she came home one day and said that Brett (same little boy) told her again she was pretty. She was VERY quick to tell me that he was just being a nice friend and friends say nice things to one another. I whole-heartedly agree, FRIENDS should say nice things to each other! Today she came home and said Brett, "blew me a kiss" when she got off the bus. She decided that "wasn't a very FRIEND thing to do!"
I wonder how she'll remember this little story about Brett when she's 25? Thank GOD I scrap! :D
Recently, a friend asked me if I was happy that my sister, Brandy had moved closer. She moved from N.C. to DE a little over a month ago and it only takes about 36 minutes now to get together. I told my friend it was like everyday was my birthday! I know I'm a little goofy but really, I can't tell you what it means to be able to see her so often and watch her beautiful children GROW!
My neice, Grace is at such a fun stage and is learning new words everyday. She's following in the footsteps of our family and becoming an animal freak. She can spend an hour opening and closing my cell phone to look at the different pictures of Chester and Macy, although if she accidentaly pushes a button and they disappear, you'll clearly and distinctly hear her whisper, "crap!" LOL Don't look at me, she got that from MOMMY!
AND, there is nothing quite as sweet as a BIG lollipop!
Are these NOT just the most COOL business cards you've ever seen? I am in totall LOVE with them! They are just too cute if I do say so myself! LOL I've got a busy weekend coming up with 2 different photo shoots! Pretty cool huh? I'm so excited!
This morning, Peyton looked outside at the bleak and drizzled filled morning and teared up. "Why are you crying, honey?" I wondered. "It's raining and I won't be able to go to school!" She was ecstatic when she found out that YES, indeed you DO get to go to school in the rain! Who knew?!
Here is the other October SMU. In the next day or so I'll be emailing you SMU girls the homework sheet for my Sept. classes! I sure hope you can make it there, I've missed all of you!
Hey ladies! I thought you may like to see the other layout for October's Scrap-Masters University. We'll be using the super cool 6 x 6 photo (it's your free gift!) and you'll learn to make this FAB Rebecca Sower (ish) rose embellishment from vintage book paper and also Elsie Flanigan's ledger paper. These flowers are a BLAST to make, you will LOVE it! Isn't my neice Grace just the CUTEST! ...could eat her up!
Speaking of cute stuff, you HAVE to check out and see the Dobie going down the slide into a pool, over and over again! It's to die for! LOVE that!
I was going to tell y'all about the delish crockpot orange chicken I was makin' tonight but when I opened the package of chicken...not so delish smelling! URGH!
My sister, being the best sister I have, took my girls home to DE to spend the night. Cole had a b-day party to attend so he was fine with it. This morning, I reluctantly put down a book I HAD to get yesterday (more on that in a minute) and made the short drive (36 min. as opposed to the 6 hours to N.C. before~!) to get them out of her hair. While there we decided to check out a CUPCAKE bakery in Newark called Sweet n Sassy Cupcakes . YUMMMY and such a fun store! Brandy and I were both dying for this black and white brocade 2 tier was DELIGHTFUL!
Okay, about the hard to put down read. Some girls on , mainly this girl Kerry Lynn , were talking about a vampire book that was just SO romantic. And heck, I'm all about the romance, well not really but I like to read romance! LOL So the book is ABSOLUTELY freakin GREAT! REally, I can't put the dern thing down and it's not like I don't have anything else I should be doing. AND it's a trilogy, I LOVE that, the husband does not! :D It's a young adult book but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo good! It's called Twilight and it's by Stephanie Meyer. CHECK it out. So I mainly have the demise of my house to blame on Kerry Lynn so check out her awesome scrap-goodness here... and show her some love!
Just to bore you some more, I started another I take so many photographs that I don't necessarily want to bore you with on here since Whimsyworks is about my life and scrappin'! Anyway if you are interested, check it out!
My name is Robyn and I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 17 years. We have sometimes wonderful and delightful, sometimes hair pulling 14 year old girl/boy twins and a sassy little 8 year old girl who is surely going to be our early demise. Before my spine decided to get wonky I had my own little photography thing going at Now, I still love photography but it's at a different pace. I have a zillion passions because I don't usually do something halfway unless it's putting away laundry or cleaning out the fridge. I have an endless list of things I LOVE including: obviously my family,DOGS, photography, looking for the perfect vintage find, baking,cooking,cleaning(TOTALLY just KIDDING)animals,fabric softener(really), and it goes on and on... I'm very random and if you know me in person you KNOW that and if you read my blog you'll figure that very quickly! :-) contact me here: