Saturday, June 16, 2007

official beginning...

I never really feel like Summer can begin until the school year ends and that was yesterday for us! The twins offically ended their
elementary years with a jam-packed week full of awards ceremonies and parties. The little girl in the picture with Cole has been friends with them since Kindergarten and so has the little girl with Callie. I LOVE that they have friends like this!

Earlier in the week I took some photo's of a friends boxers for her. Cassius and Bailey were crazy fun and BUSY! Such total cuties though!

We've lost 3 family members in the past 2 weeks so that has been on our minds as well. The world is less of a place without them.

Here's hoping our summer is fun-filled!

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1 comment:

Cricket said...

sorry for your losses Robyn. Your furbabies still make me want to go out and get one so stinkin bad! LOL and congrats to your babies on their start of summer vacation, here's hoping they have a fabulous one!!
