Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Even though I have 3 kids here's...

Peyton again! LOL

I've been feeling like it's important to get down the memories that are "EVERYDAY" memories. Things I KNOW I'll forget. I've been feeling so bittersweet about Peyton going to school next year. I feel bad for her that she won't have her "down" time in the a.m. BELIEVE me people, the child DOES NOT do mornings. She is going to have such a hard time getting ready next year! These pictures could be taken basically on any given day. The journalling reads..." everyday you have pancakes or french toast and everyday I pull your hair up away from the syrup" Peyton calls this "pancake hair"

In other EXCITING news: LOVE, ELSIE has hit Scrap-Masters! We only have some of the Roxy line but stilll! I can't even tell you how HOT this line is!
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1 comment:

Cricket said...

cute layout and I love the phrase "pancake hair"!!
