Thursday, April 27, 2006


When Peyton was 2 1/2 I made a little mini tag book of all the cute and funny ways she said some things. Well, now at 4 she's of course talking like a 14 year old. Her mind is constantly working and some of the questions she's been coming out with lately are totally cracking me up. I definately HAVE to make a new book. I'll list some of her latest comments so I don't forget them.

P: Mom, do you have God's cell phone number?
Me: No, hunny he doesn't have a cell phone.
P: Well, how do we talk to him then?
Me: When we pray, he hears us. ( I then explain how to pray again)
P: (a few minutes later) Mom, I just prayed to God and asked him to help me stop Lelling (yelling) at Callie and Cole.

I notice Peyton silently crying on the couch...
Me: What's wrong sweety?
P: When I die, we won't be able to go to the bakery anymore!

P: Mom, I'm sad.
Me: Why, hunny?
P: When I get big and drive I'm going to leave and never come back!
Me: (alarmed) Why aren't you going to come back?
P: I won't know how to get here!


corinne5 said...

thee hee! that is so funny! love it when kids say these kind of things!


~~~Francy~~~ said...

this will be a priceless collection when she grows up. We forget sooo much of the good stuff. Cool that you are recording it.


Adrienne said...

Too funny! THat is a beautiful picture!